Saturday, July 18, 2009

First Blog

Hey everybody,
I wanted to kick off my entertainment blog with a bang. I always thought of blogging as self indulgent, but I'm kinda over it. So here we go....

I wanted to start off by telling everyone bit about me and what I am doing these days. Along with working under the corporate tree at apple, I have been working desperately on my record. It isn't going as far as I had hoped, but that is kind of a standard. I wanted to start this blog in the hope that I could blog for a company. I will pursue this endeavor and see where it takes me.


Last night, I saw the new installment of harry potter. I honestly went in expecting the worst. I had heard that it had been cut and trimmed into a different story. As I watched, I realized they were right. The only difference is that the cuts and "changes" that they made were of good substance. They made the movie very paced, and set up for the next movie. The only thing that caught me a little was an imbalance of ron/hermione and harry/ginny.
Overall, I was astonished at the product that was released. The sound was better than ever. The effects in audio and video were spot on. I also think Gambon really found the right Dumbledore in this movie. Of course, it had to be the one he dies in. The cave scene really got me. I could not have asked for a better interpretation.
I hope everyone will go out and support this wonderful film. Even if you live in NYC, and you have to pay 12 dollars for it. I spent around 30 on star trek, so you can shut it : )

Thanks and enjoy